Voice Disorders

Voice Disorders

Everybody has experienced voices difficulties; spells when the voice is hoarse or when sound will not come out at all. Colds, allergies, bronchitis, irritants exposure such as ammonia, can result to voice loss.

Diverse voice disorders types.

  • Vocal Cord Nodules and Polyps
  • Vocal Cord Paralysis
  • Spasmodic Dysphonia

Vocal Cord Nodules and Polyps

Vocal cord nodules are noncancerous tumors on both vocal cords that are affected by vocal misuse. Over time, continuous vocal cords misuse results in soft, swollen spots on each vocal cord. These spots grow into stiffer, callous-like growths called nodules. The nodules will come to be bigger and harder, the lengthier the vocal misuse persists.

Signs and symptoms

Nodules and polyps cause similar symptoms:

  • huskiness
  • breathlessness
  • a “coarse” voice
  • a “prickly” voice
  • roughness
  • shooting pain from ear to ear
  • a “lump in the throat” feeling
  • body lethargy


Nodules are most regularly caused by vocal abuse or misuse. Polyps may be instigated by enduring vocal misuse but may likewise occur after a solitary, traumatic incident to the vocal cords, such as yelling at a concert. Long-lasting cigarette smoking, hypothyroidism, and GERD may too cause polyp development.

It has been seen that, for odd reasons, vocal nodules occur more often in women among the ages of 20 and 50.

Vocal Cord Paralysis

If single or both vocal cords are unable to move, then the person will experience voice glitches and perhaps breathing and swallowing difficulties. This is vocal cord paralysis.

There are varied vocal cord paralysis kinds. Joint vocal cord paralysis includes both vocal cords becoming held halfway amid open and closed and not moving whichever way. This form a lot requires a tracheotomy (an opening made in the neck to provide an airway) to protect the airway when the person eats.

One-sided vocal cord paralysis is on only one side, is paralyzed in the paramedian spot or has a very limited movement. It is more common than two-sided involvement. The individual will run out of air simply. They will be incapable to speak openly or loudly.

Signs and symptoms

The voice and swallowing problems severity depends on where the nerve damage is.

Characteristic symptoms include:

  • harshness
  • wheezy voice
  • failure to speak loudly
  • controlled pitch and loudness variances
  • uttering that persists only for a very short time (around 1 second)
  • choking or coughing while eating


Vocal cord paralysis is affected by head and neck injuries, tumors, disease, surgery, or stroke. The vagus nerve has divisions that run from the brainstem to the larynx (voice box) and controls the vocal cords movement. Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage is the exact reason for vocal cord paralysis.


Paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM) is a voice disorder. The vocal folds (cords) act in a typical fashion nearly all of the time, nevertheless, when an incident occurs, the vocal cords close when they ought to open, such as when breathing.

Signs and symptoms

PVFM can be mistaken for asthma as it indicates wheezing and breathing trouble, sometimes to the point requiring hospitalization.


PVFM occurrences may be triggered by:

  • shouting or coughing
  • physical exercise
  • acid reflux
  • breathing cold air
  • irritants such as smoke or pollen
  • psychosocial problems
  • neurological concerns

Spasmodic Dysphonia

Spasmodic dysphonia is a chronic (long-term) voice disorder. With spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cords movement is involuntary and tense causing an irregular, quivery, croaky, tight, or squeaking voice. Vocal breaks or spasms, periods of no sound (aphonia), and periods when there is near normal voice occur.

Signs and symptoms

Initially, symptoms possibly will be slight. Later, they can deteriorate and grow more frequent afore they level out. Symptoms may be worse when a person is tired or stressed. They may be reduced or even vanish, for example, during singing or laughing.

Spasmodic dysphonia is a disorder categorized by single or additional muscles of the larynx or voice box movements unintentionally. The first marks of spasmodic dysphonia are most frequently found in persons between 30 and 50 years old. More women appear to be affected by spasmodic dysphonia than men.


Some people appear to have nervous system differences that yield gradual quiver in vocal cords. Others may have dystonia, alternative neurologic disorder kind that makes irregular muscle tone. In rare situations, people can have spasmodic dysphonia symptoms because of acute or chronic life stress.

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