
Myringoplasty procedure carried out to repair a perforated eardrum is called Myringoplasty. An eardrum perforation, also called the tympanic membrane, generally happens due to an infection or injury. When the eardrum is perforated, it is at a threat of frequent infections.The perforation and the infection can affect an individual’s hearing.

Myringoplasty Procedure

The eardrum repair procedure typically is carried out under local anaesthetic; for people who cannot bear local anaesthetic, a general anaesthetic can be used. In the operation, the surgeon produces a small cut in front or behind the ear or without any external incision through the ear canal itself. Through this hole, a slight piece of fascia is inserted and placed under the defect.

Risks and Complications

Myringoplasty has some specific dangers and possible complications. One possibility although rare is that the graft might fail to become part of the eardrum; the myringoplasty itself might lead to worsening of the hearing loss or to changes in the individual’s taste.

When Myringoplasty is combined with reconstruction of the ear bones ( ossicles), if it is damaged, it is called :

Type III Tympanoplasty  is indicated when most of the ossicles have deteriorated or are non-functioning, but where there is still a functioning stapes connected to the round window. It involves placing a graft between the tympanic membrane and the stapes, essentially a prosthetic middle ear conducting mechanism. (occuloplasty)

Type IV Tympanoplasty is used when the stapes has become detached from the round windows of the inner ear or where  there is an air pocket, causing non conductivity of vibrations.

Type V Tympanoplasty is used when there is either an obstruction in the inner ear or there is a hole in the round window of the inner ear.

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